I have a tkinter GUI with an entry field and a validation button. I'd like to call the same function when I press a key in the entry, or when I click the button.
The problem is, with the bind method on the entry, I need a "self" argument for my function to work, but not with the button.
Here is the simplified code:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox
import tkinter.filedialog
def function():
print("Here are some words.")
my_window = Tk()
text = StringVar()
input_widget = Entry(my_window, textvariable = text) #We create an input widget.
input_widget.bind("<Return>", function)
benjamin = Button(my_window, text ='Print', command = function) #We create another widget, a
# button that sends the same function as pressing <Return> key.
input_widget.grid(row = 0, column = 0) #We use grid to place our widgets.
benjamin.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
With this code, when I use the button, no problem, it prints, but when I use the bind, it returns:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\"blablabla"\tkinter\__init__.py, line 1533, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
TypeError: function() takes 0 positionnal arguments but 1 was given
I can make it work by calling two functions one for the button, and another for the entry with a self argument:
def function2(self):
print("It works with this function.")
Is there any way to make both .bind
and command
share the the same function?
Add this to your binding:
input_widget.bind("<Return>", lambda event: function())
Event bindings all require an event parameter which is automatically passed to the function. By using a lambda with the parameter event; you can take in this "event" variable and basically discard it and do whatever is in function()