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Change vim-airline colorscheme via vim-sunset plugin

I just recently discovered two VIM plugins that I find very useful, namely vim-sunset ( and vim-airline ( Changing the colorscheme with vim-sunset was easy, but I would like it to also change the colors in my airline. I have tried to achieve this via

function! Sunset_daytime_callback()
  " Version 1
  let g:airline_theme = 'airline_theme_light'

  " Version 2
  colorscheme vim_colorscheme_light
  autocmd ColorScheme * :AirlineTheme airline_theme_light
  " Version 3
  autocmd ColorScheme * :AirlineTheme airline_theme_light
  colorscheme vim_colorscheme_light

(same thing for Sunset_nighttime_callback())

The problems are the following:

  • Version 1: I guess the variable airline_theme is correctly set, but it doesn't update. Also, I couldn't find any function in the airline documentation mentioning how to "redraw" with the new parameters.
  • Version 2: This kind of works, but I have to call the function Sunset_daytime_callback() twice in order to update the powerline too
  • Version 3: Breaks because the plugin command :AirlineTheme is not ready yet when the .vimrc is first executed

Is there a (possibly elegant) solution how to get this to work? Did I maybe just miss a function in the airline plugin that just redraws the line?

Thanks for your help!


  • Ok, so I found a solution myself: the key is to check whether or not the airline-plugin is already loaded when trying to set the airline colorscheme. Now it looks something like this:

    function! Sunset_daytime_callback()
      " This Works :)
      colorscheme vim_colorscheme_light
      if exists(':AirlineTheme') " check if the plugin is loaded
          :AirlineTheme light
          let g:airline_theme = 'light'