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SKScene bounds and positioning

I'm trying my best to use my "responsive" / "adaptive" knowledge to apply it to positioning in my SKScene.

However, it would appear there's a problem. As the width / height of the scene aren't accurate.

In this example, the view's anchor point is centerpoint i.e 0.5, 0.5.

    SKLabelNode *label = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithText:@"Welcome to the table..."];
    label.position = CGPointMake(0,0);
    label.alpha = 0;
    [self addChild:label];

now let's say, I want to move that to the bottom of the screen. I use the screen sizing logic so I can apply it for every device.

label.position = CGPointMake(0, self.view.frame.height/2 + label.frame.height);

From what I can see, it should align the X to the anchor point, then deduct y from the anchor point. So CenterPoint - half screen height + label height.. However, this isn't the case. It's offscreen somewhere not working accurately.

I've also tried this with self.frame.size.height & self.view.bounds.size.height


  • It sounds like the size of your SKScene doesn't match the size of its SKView. Try setting the scaleMode of your scene to ResizeFill. From the SKScene documentation on ResizeFill:

    The scene is not scaled to match the view. Instead, the scene is automatically resized so that its dimensions always match those of the view.