What's the best way to convert a number to a byte[6]
in C#
I'm using MagTek Card reader
and trying to display desired amount on device screen, it should be 6-byte
array. The amount needs to be used and authorized, EMV Tag 9F02
, format n12
int requestSmartCard(int cardType, int comfirmationTime, int pinEnteringTime, int beepTones, int option, byte [] amount, int transactionType, byte[] cashback, byte [] reserved);
And the description for amount param is: - amount The amount to be used and authorized, EMV Tag 9F02, format n12. It should be a 6-byte array.
This is example code from their example in C#:
byte []amount = new byte[6];
amount[3] = 1;
byte []cashBack = new byte[6];
PrintMsg(String.format("start a emv transaction"));
byte reserved[] = new byte[26];
byte cardType = 2;
byte confirmWaitTime = 20;
byte pinWaitTime = 20;
byte tone = 1;
byte option = 0;
byte transType = 4;
retCode = m_MTSCRA.requestSmartCard(cardType, confirmWaitTime, pinWaitTime, tone, option, amount, transType, cashBack, reserved);
and then on device's screen amount of 100.00 $ is shown.
EDIT: I changed the question form float to byte[6] to number to byte[6].
The method should be something like:
public static byte[] NumberToByteArray(float f, int decimals)
// A string in the format 0000000000.00 for example
string format = new string('0', 12 - decimals) + "." + new string('0', decimals);
// We format the number f, removing the decimal separator
string str = f.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace(".", string.Empty);
if (str.Length != 12)
throw new ArgumentException("f");
var bytes = new byte[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
// For each group of two digits, the first one is shifted by
// 4 binary places
int digit1 = str[i * 2] - '0';
bytes[i] = (byte)(digit1 << 4);
// And the second digit is "added" with the logical | (or)
int digit2 = str[(i * 2) + 1] - '0';
bytes[i] |= (byte)digit2;
return bytes;
Note (1) that it isn't an optimized method. I could have multiplied by 10^decimals
instead, but I don't want to do useless multiplications.
Note (2) you shouldn't really use float
. float
has a precision of 6 or 7 digits (when you are lucky), while that format can store 12 digits. Use double
or even better decimal
. You can replace float
with decimal
and it will work correctly.
Note (3) you need the number of decimal places you want to use. 2 for Euro or Dollars, but for other currencies it could be different.
Note (4) this is a problem of conversion from a number to a BCD. It can be made without going through a string. Too lazy to do it (and I don't want to do multiplications on float