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How can getters/setters be ignored in the PMD CommentRequired rule?

I want to use PMDs CommentRequired rule, but don't want it to be applied to java bean getters/setters.

Based on this answer I tried the following configuration:

<rule ref="rulesets/java/comments.xml/CommentRequired">
        <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="./ancestor::MethodDeclaration/MethodDeclarator/NodeToken[@tokenImage='(get|is|set).*']"/>
        <property name="fieldCommentRequirement" value="Ignored"/>

However PMD still reports that some getters in my code need a comment.

What is the correct XPath expression to suppress the rule for getters/setters and on which schema are the PMD XPath expressions based upon?


  • After reading the PMD XPath rule tutorial and playing around with the PMD Designer the following does work for me:

    <rule ref="rulesets/java/comments.xml/CommentRequired">
            <property name="violationSuppressXPath" value="//ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration/MethodDeclaration/MethodDeclarator[matches(@Image,'(get|is|set)[\p{Lu}].*') and not(FormalParameters/FormalParameter)]"/>
            <property name="fieldCommentRequirement" value="Ignored"/>

    To get a better grasp on the AST that PMD is using, one can have a look at the javadoc of it: