I'm using rpy2 to do data analysis and plotting in python. It works fine except for the fact that when I draw a plot, it's window hangs around until the program terminates. Is there a way to clear the plot during runtime? Additionally, If I ever resize the window, the plot disappears, but the window remains. When using R interactively, resizing the window simply adjusts the size of my plot. I'd like to have this functionality within python.
For example, were I to run the following code, I would be presented with a simple plot.
import rpy2.robjects as robj
xdata = [2,4,6,8,10,12]
ydata = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Rxdata = robj.IntVector(xdata)
Rydata = robj.IntVector(ydata)
plot = robj.r.plot
plot(x=Rxdata, y=Rydata, main='title')
however, if I wanted to resize the window, the plot would dissapear, and if I want my code to keep doing other things, this window hangs around. If there is a command that works in R to clear the plot that might work, but I can't seem to find one. Any pointers would be appreciated.
Yes, you can use the following commands to control the plot window interatively:
dev.new() # opens a new window, and can control the size
dev.off() # closes the window
As an example, see these questions: