So I have set up a docker on my laptop. I'm using Boot2Docker so I have one level of indirection to access the docker. In PyCharm, I can set a remote python interpreter via SSH but I'm not sure how to do it for dockers that can only be accessed via Boot2Docker?
Okay so to answer your question(s):
In PyCharm, I can set a remote python interpreter via SSH but I'm not sure how to do it for dockers that can only be accessed via Boot2Docker?
You need:
There are many base images that include SSH. See: Dockerizing an SSH Daemon
Expose the SSH service to the Boot2Docker/VirtualBox VM.
docker run -d -p 2222:22 myimage ...
Setup PyCharm to connect to your Boot2Docker/VirtualBox VM.
boot2docker ip
Attaching to a running container is easy too!
$ boot2docker ssh
$ docker exec -i -t <cid> /bin/bash
Where <cid>
is the Container ID or Name (if you used --name