I want to let users of my app add info about food they eat and I need to save nutrition info to google fit history. I'm connected to google play services and I hope I request correct API and Scope.
mClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_NUTRITION_READ_WRITE))
But can't find any good examples how to add data with all the nurtition info to users google fit history. I think I need to use com.google.nutrition DATA_TYPE and fill all the fields somehow, but there is no code snippet to show me exactly how to do that.
Thanks for any help
It turns out there is something in google fit doc after all. Create your banana:
DataSource nutritionSource = new DataSource.Builder()
DataPoint banana = DataPoint.create(nutritionSource);
banana.setTimestamp(now.getMillis(), MILLISECONDS);
banana.getValue(FIELD_NUTRIENTS).setKeyValue(NUTRIENT_TOTAL_FAT, 0.4f);
banana.getValue(FIELD_NUTRIENTS).setKeyValue(NUTRIENT_SODIUM, 1f);
banana.getValue(FIELD_NUTRIENTS).setKeyValue(NUTRIENT_POTASSIUM, 422f);
Then you probably want to save your banana:
DataSet dataSet = DataSet.create(nutritionSource);
PendingResult<Status> result = Fitness.HistoryApi.insertData(mClient, dataSet);