I am working with the OSMDroid API and I'm wondering if there's a way to limit the map in north and south. I mean, is this possible to prevent the map from endlessly repeating itself on the Y-Axis.
I found this issue on the Github's "osmdroid" project but the code of the patch is too old and cannot be applied to the new version of osmdroid (4.2)
I tried the setScrollableAreaLimit method but there is a bug (maybe) in the upper-left point. The map jump on the other side when I come close to its end.
Thank you by advance
I modified two lines in the class MapView
I replaced x += worldSize;
by x=0;
and y += worldSize;
by y=0;
public void scrollTo(int x, int y) {
final int worldSize = TileSystem.MapSize(this.getZoomLevel(false));
while (x < 0) {
//x += worldSize;
while (x >= worldSize) {
x -= worldSize;
while (y < 0) {
// y += worldSize;
while (y >= worldSize) {
y -= worldSize;