I have a scaffold, but it fails because the text of the users is longer than string permits. So I would like to change the kind of data, rails g scaffold Dreams Dream:string
for Dreams:text
It is possible?
If you have already migrate, undo it:
rake db:rollback
rails destroy scaffold Dreams Dream:string
And redo it
rails generate scaffold Dreams Dream:text
rake db:migrate
You don't need to make rake db:rollback
and rake db:migrate
if you have just generated your scaffold.
If it is not your last migration, you can undo it with:
rake db:migrate:down VERSION=<version>
# version is the number of your migration file you want to revert
You can create a new migration:
rails generate migration change_dream_type_in_dreams
and open migration to use change_column
def self.up
change_column :dreams, :dream, :text
def self.down
change_column :dreams, :dream, :string
Finally, rake db:migrate