I am trying to install the paradox theorem prover sourced from here.
When I run the makefile this is the command that runs:
ghc -optl -static -lstdc++ -I../instantiate -I../minisat/current-base ../minisat/current-base/Solver.or ../minisat/current-base/Prop.or ../instantiate/MiniSatWrapper.or ../instantiate/MiniSatInstantiateClause.or -fglasgow-exts -O2 -static -threaded -main-is Paradox.Main.main --make Paradox.Main -o paradox
And it results in several errors like so:
Could not find module ‘Char’
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
for a variety of modules including but not limited to Char
, CPUTime
, IO
The final error message is
Makefile:38: recipe for target 'paradox.exe' failed
make: *** [paradox.exe] Error 1
I don't know Haskell, nor am I very experienced with GNU make
, but I am trying to install this package for a project and it is obscure enough to not be packaged for my OS (I'm running Arch Linux). As far as I know it is not packaged for any OS, so it is necessary to install from source.
As far as I can tell the problem starts with the following error message:
on the commandline: Warning:
-fglasgow-exts is deprecated: Use individual extensions instead
I am using the version of the GHC provided in the Arch Linux package repository: package link
Looks like paradox was written for a rather old version of GHC. You can fix all these "Could not find module" errors by using GHC version 7.8 or older and setting
GHC = ghc -hide-package base -package haskell98
in the Makefile, though you will likely encounter more errors after that.
The warning about -fglasgow-exts
is mostly harmless, you can ignore it.