Do you thinks is it a good idea...
I want to replicate my properties max and min length from the domain to the rest of the application.
For example I have my Customer
entity, CustomerConfiguration
(for entity framework), and CustomerViewModel
I have to define customer's name max length in fluent api, then data annotation on ViewModel. If I decide to change the size, I have to change in all places. I thought about define it in a constant in the domain class like:
Code example
public class Customer {
public const int Name_Max = 30;
public string Name { get; set; }
public class CustomerConfig.....
this.Property(e => e.Name).HasMaxLength(Customer.Name_Max);
public class CustomerViewModel {
public string Name { get;set;} ....
Is it a good idea or is there some recommendation against this kind of "replication"?
I see no problem in your approach, on the contrary, we use this model in all company projects in which I work.
One thing I would do in your model would be use the always-valid entity principle. It will make your life much easier.
Using this principle you can ensure that your entity is always in a valid state.
In this case, the setters methods of your properties would do something like:
public class Customer
public const int Name_Max = 30;
private string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
if (value != null && value.Length > Name_Max)
throw new ArgumentException();
name = value;