I'm trying to implement bresenham's line drawing with anti-aliasing using this article: http://members.chello.at/~easyfilter/bresenham.html
And here's the function:
void ColoringScene::drawLineAA(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int r, int g, int b, int a)
float dx = abs(x1-x0), sx = x0<x1 ? 1 : -1;
float dy = abs(y1-y0), sy = y0<y1 ? 1 : -1;
float err = dx-dy, e2, x2; /* error value e_xy */
float ed = dx+dy == 0 ? 1 : sqrt((float)dx*dx+(float)dy*dy);
for (;;){ /* pixel loop */
setPixel(x0, y0, r, g, b, a*abs(err-dx+dy)/ed);
e2 = err; x2 = x0;
if (2*e2 >= -dx) { /* x step */
if (x0 == x1) break;
if (e2+dy < ed) setPixel(x0, y0 + sy, r, g, b, a*(e2+dy)/ed);
err -= dy; x0 += sx;
if (2*e2 <= dy) { /* y step */
if (y0 == y1) break;
if (dx-e2 < ed) setPixel(x2 + sx, y0, r, g, b, a*(dx-e2)/ed);
err += dx; y0 += sy;
Don't know if it changes anything, but I changed all int's to float's. Just to make sure if dividing is working on floats. Anyway on integers result is the same.
Now, example call:
drawLineAA(10, 10, 50, 400, 255, 0, 0, 255);
drawLineAA(100, 10, 500, 40, 255, 0, 0, 255);
Results in this:
If I change y0 + sy to y0 - sy like this:
if (e2+dy < ed) setPixel(x0, y0 - sy, r, g, b, a*(e2+dy)/ed);
Output becomes this:
If I change x2 + sx to x2 - sx like this:
if (dx-e2 < ed) setPixel(x2 - sx, y0, r, g, b, a*(dx-e2)/ed);
Output now is:
So the last configuration is both negatives, which gives:
Almost good, but some holes appear. So it's still wrong. I cannot figure it out, why it's not drawing properly. When I tried ordinary bresenham's without anti-aliasing and it works without any problem.
Also important note, in my case I use cocos2d-x texture, so y is flipped. That's why I have this method:
void ColoringScene::setPixel(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a){
if(x < 0 || x >= img->getWidth() || y < 0 || y >= img->getHeight()) return;
int index = (x + (img->getHeight() - y - 1) * img->getWidth()) * 4;
data[index] = r;
data[index + 1] = g;
data[index + 2] = b;
data[index + 3] = a;
Maybe the issue is, because of this. How can I fix this?
This algorithm seems just incorrect.
or y0==y1
is a fatal error.dx==dy
is a fatal error.ed=1
when dx+dy=0
is completely arbitrary.2*e2==dy
and 2*e2==-dx
results in drawing three pixels per step.Recommendations: treat dx=dy, dx=-dy, dx=0, dy=0 as special cases, make separate cases for each octant, don't use floats if you don't need them.