I've been thinking about this for a while and keep falling back on nested For Loops and a bunch of If/Thens...
I am trying to create a text scrolling/slide-in effect for a LCD Character Display on a single line. I would like to be able to set the input start point and end point into the array. For example, I have a base byte array size of 16 and want to start to shift an array onto/into it.
Output would be something like this with each line being an iteration of the array which is sent to the display:
_______________ <-start with blank array[16]
_____________H_ <-start to shift in at specified start position e.g. [14]
_____Hello_____ <-end shifting as specified position e.g. [5]
Conversely, I would like to be able to shift this out like so:
_____Hello_____ <-Begining Array <-This needs to be created
Is there an efficient/native way to do this? I'm using NetMF so there are some limitations to the framework.
footnote: I suppose this could be done by directly manipulating the string to be displayed then I convert it to a byte array to send to the display but I think this might be slower.
class Program2
static void AnimateString(int leftEdge, int RightEdge, int length, char fillWith, string text, int delay_ms)
int x = RightEdge;
string line = "";
int count = 0;
string leftBorder = "";
while (true)
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
Console.Write(new String(fillWith, length));
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
if (x < leftEdge) ++count;
leftBorder = new String(fillWith, x - 1 > leftEdge ? x - 1 : leftEdge);
line = leftBorder + text.Substring(
x > leftEdge - 1? 0 : count,
x > leftEdge - 1 ? (x + text.Length > RightEdge ? RightEdge - x : text.Length) : text.Length - count);
if (count >= text.Length) { x = RightEdge; count = 0; line = ""; }
static void Main()
string blank = new String('-', 32);
string text = "Hello world!";
AnimateString(4, 20, 24, '-', "Hello world", 100);
Check this line of code:
line = leftBorder + text.Substring(
x > leftEdge - 1? 0 : count,
x > leftEdge - 1 ? (x + text.Length > RightEdge ? RightEdge - x : text.Length) : text.Length - count);
We already created the 'left part' of our string - line of text starts with 0 and ends either with position of x or left border (in case when x - leftEdge is less than zero. Now it's time to calculate: 1) what index in text ('hello world') should we take for SubString method and 2) how many characters we'd like to extract.
1) depends on : has our x position reached the left border ?
no) we start from index 0
yes) we start from count value. Count - is our field that we use to calculate
the left shift inside our text string
2) this depends on position of x against right border. If our x position + text string.length are not exceeding the borders we'd take that string. In other case we should count how many characters are within the limits and extract them. Also if x - leftEdge < 0 and we started from index of count - we'd like to subtract count value from string length so we get only the remaining part of a string and not exceeding it.