I have a table with multiple TR row, I need to be able to click on <tr>
or any child <td>
where VALUE is 91, In this example below there are just 2 values, but in a future there can be a 20 of them, and they can be differently sort as well.
Is there a way I can FIND a value from this below and click on that element?
<td class="ultranarrow ng-binding">91</td>
Table HTML:
<!-- end ngRepeat: row in gridData | filter:gridFilter --><tr ng-click="toggle(row)" ng-repeat="row in gridData | filter:gridFilter" ng-class="{
selected: row.selected,
selectable: row.selectable,
'text-danger': !row.selectable,
modified: row.modified
}" class="ng-scope selectable">
<td class="minimal text-center">
<!-- ngIf: row.selectable --><a class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok dehover ng-scope text-disabled" ng-class="'text-' + (row.selected ? 'primary' : 'disabled')" ng-if="row.selectable"></a><!-- end ngIf: row.selectable -->
<td class="ultranarrow ng-binding">91</td>
<td class="ng-binding">Spoluúčast (dokumentace)</td>
<td class="narrow">
<!-- ngIf: row.selected -->
<td class="ultranarrow ng-binding">KČ</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: row in gridData | filter:gridFilter --><tr ng-click="toggle(row)" ng-repeat="row in gridData | filter:gridFilter" ng-class="{
selected: row.selected,
selectable: row.selectable,
'text-danger': !row.selectable,
modified: row.modified
}" class="ng-scope selectable">
<td class="minimal text-center">
<!-- ngIf: row.selectable --><a class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok dehover ng-scope text-disabled" ng-class="'text-' + (row.selected ? 'primary' : 'disabled')" ng-if="row.selectable"></a><!-- end ngIf: row.selectable -->
<td class="ultranarrow ng-binding">95</td>
<td class="ng-binding">Předcházející poškození (výpočet)</td>
<td class="narrow">
<!-- ngIf: row.selected -->
<td class="ultranarrow ng-binding">KČ</td>
</tr><!-- end ngRepeat: row in gridData | filter:gridFilter -->
xpath is your friend when you need exact value matching. This should do the trick:
element.all(by.xpath('.//td[.="91" and @class="ultranarrow ng-binding"]')).click();