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How to create new About button in Inno Setup?

I want to create a new About button at the bottom left corner of all the pages like wpWelcome, wpSelectTasks, wpInstalling etc; that will show some message if it is clicked. Message should close if user presses "OK". The button should show the full word "About" not like "Abou..." I have checked CodeClasses.iss file in Inno Setup, but I could not understand which piece of code I should copy, which should not.

I have already seen these two post:

But they are not what I exactly want.

So please anyone help.


  • Here is a simplified, inlined version of the minimum code necessary to do what you've asked for:

    AppName=My Program
    DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program
    procedure AboutButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject);
      MsgBox('This is the about message!', mbInformation, mb_Ok);
    procedure InitializeWizard;
      AboutButton: TNewButton;
      { create an instance of the button and assign it to the local variable AboutButton }
      AboutButton := TNewButton.Create(WizardForm);
      { set the parent to the just created button control }
      AboutButton.Parent := WizardForm;
      { adjust the position to the created button control; it gets the horizontal indent }
      { by the right indent of the Cancel button; the vertical position as well as width }
      { and height are the same as the Cancel button has }
      AboutButton.Left := WizardForm.ClientWidth - WizardForm.CancelButton.Left -
      AboutButton.Top := WizardForm.CancelButton.Top;
      AboutButton.Width := WizardForm.CancelButton.Width;
      AboutButton.Height := WizardForm.CancelButton.Height;
      { set its caption }
      AboutButton.Caption := '&About';
      { and assign the AboutButtonOnClick method to the OnClick event of the button }
      AboutButton.OnClick := @AboutButtonOnClick;