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sortable list in emberjs

i have loaded a list from server into handlebar. when the list order changes, i need to send the sorted order back to the server. to make a list sortable, i have used jquery-ui.js. when i change the list order by dragging and dropping the list, visually the list order changes. but it is not changed inside the controller data.


    {{#each lists as |list|}}
        <!--   Empty data handling     -->


var List = [{name:'list1'}, {name:'list2'}, {name:'list3'}];
var Controller = Ember.Controller.extend({
  lists : Lists,

i can't find, how to make the controller data to change when the list order changes. just point me in the right direction.


  • Unfortunately sorting the items with jQuery UI doesn't actually change the order of the items.

    You might want to look into the addon ember-sortable - it should provide you all the functionality you need.