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Base64 encode a XXTEA encrypted string error

I would like to secure my data so I try to encrypt it with XXTEA. I do this way:

  • inputString -> XXTEA encrypt -> outputString
  • outputString -> XXTEA decrypt -> inputString

Everything is encrypt and decrypt ok. But when I try to make a base64 encode the output after XXTEA encrypt it and base64 decode it before XXTEA decrypt, the result is wrong:

  • input -> XXTEA encrypt -> base64 encode -> output
  • output -> base64 decode -> XXTEA decrypt != input

When I test with and

My example's input string is hello and its final result is bjz/S2f3Xkxr08hu

But when I test with my code (see below), the final result is bjz/Sw==

Here is my encryption code:

std::string ProjectUtils::encrypt_data_xxtea(std::string input, std::string secret) {
//Encrypt with XXTEA
xxtea_long retLength = 0;

unsigned char data[input.length()];
strncpy((char*)data, input.c_str(), sizeof(data));
xxtea_long dataLength = (xxtea_long) sizeof(data);

unsigned char key[secret.length()];
strncpy((char*)key, secret.c_str(), sizeof(key));
xxtea_long keyLength = (xxtea_long) sizeof(key);

unsigned char *encryptedData = xxtea_encrypt(data, dataLength, key, keyLength, &retLength);

//Encode base64
char* out = NULL;
base64Encode(encryptedData, sizeof(encryptedData), &out);

CCLOG("xxtea encrypted data: %s", out);
return out;


Here is my decryption code:

char* ProjectUtils::decrypt_data_xxtea(std::string input, std::string secret) {
//Decode base64
unsigned char* output = NULL;
base64Decode((unsigned char*)input.c_str(), (unsigned int)strlen(input.c_str()), &output);
xxtea_long dataLength = (xxtea_long) sizeof(output);

xxtea_long retLength = 0;

unsigned char key[secret.length()];
strncpy((char*)key, secret.c_str(), sizeof(key));
xxtea_long keyLength = (xxtea_long) sizeof(key);

//Decrypt with XXTEA
char *decryptedData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(xxtea_decrypt(output, dataLength, key, keyLength, &retLength));

CCLOG("xxtea decrypted data: %s", decryptedData);
return decryptedData;


Do you know what is wrong with my code? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks very much.


  • here is full working code on cocos2d-x 3.4

    std::string UserProfile::encryptString(std::string input, std::string secret) {
        //Encrypt with XXTEA
        xxtea_long retLength = 0;
        unsigned char data[input.length()];
        strncpy((char*)data, input.c_str(), sizeof(data));
        xxtea_long dataLength = (xxtea_long) sizeof(data);
        unsigned char key[secret.length()];
        strncpy((char*)key, secret.c_str(), sizeof(key));
        xxtea_long keyLength = (xxtea_long) sizeof(key);
        unsigned const char *encryptedData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const char*>(xxtea_encrypt(data, dataLength, key, keyLength, &retLength));
        char* out = NULL;
        cocos2d::base64Encode(encryptedData, retLength, &out); // use real length returned by xxtea_encrypt
        CCLOG("xxtea encrypted data: [%s][%s]", encryptedData, out);
        std::string outStr(out); // make string object
        CCLOG("xxtea encrypted data: [%s][%s]", encryptedData, outStr.c_str());
        setStr(KEY, outStr); // function that store value in user defaults
        std::string revertStr = getStr(KEY); // get string value back
        CCLOG("xxtea revertStr: [%s]", revertStr.c_str());
        unsigned char* output = NULL;
        int outLength = cocos2d::base64Decode((unsigned char*)revertStr.c_str(), (unsigned int)strlen(revertStr.c_str()), &output); // get real length of decoded string
        char *decryptedData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(xxtea_decrypt(output, outLength, key, keyLength, &retLength)); // use it
        CCLOG("xxtea decrypted data: %s", decryptedData); // string the same as original for me
        return "";