I have three tables in MySQL:
| customerId | customerName |
| productId | productName |
| rentalNumber | rentalAmount | rentalProductId |
The Rentals table has various rows for one rentalNumber. I need to return a result in php like this:
| customerName | rentalNumber | rentalDetails |
| Johnny | 20 | productName1 x productAmount1, |
| | | productName2 x productAmount 2, |
| | | productName3 x productAmount 3 |
the rentalDetails bit may be a string, displayed in a HTML table.
While fiddling along I found the answer eventually:
SELECT *, group_concat(concat(`productName`,' x ',`rentalProductAmount`) separator ',') AS items
FROM rentals
LEFT JOIN customers on rentals.rentalCustomer = customers.customerId
LEFT JOIN products ON rentals.rentalProduct = products.productId
WHERE rentals.rentalStartDate >= NOW()
GROUP BY rentals.rentalNumber
But perhaps there's an even better way. This works for me though :)