I have a vector A
of length N
. Also I have N*N
matrix C
. I want to maximize following equation :
minimize (- (w_transpose * A) + p * w_transpose * C * w)
Where w
is a vector of length N
, with constraints that each w
is non-negative and sum of all w
is 1.
I have seen a package called quadProg
. There I need to specify :
Dmat = C
, dvec = A
, and bvec = w
but not sure how to apply above mentioned constraints there.
I suppose I could provide Amat
to be an identity matrix, which will keep all w
non-negative. But not sure how to keep w
normalized (sum equal to zero). Actually I could normalize them later as well, but still wondering if I can do it here itself.
You can do this with the solve.QP
function from quadprog. From ?solve.QP
, we read that solve.QP
solves systems of the form min_b {-d'b + 0.5 b'Db | A'b >= b0}
. You are solving a problem of the form min_w {-A'w + pw'Cw | w >= 0, 1'w = 1}
. Thus, mapping between the forms:
d = A
(this is called dvec
in the arguments to solve.QP
)D = 2pC
(this is called Dmat
in the arguments to solve.QP
)I'w >= 0
. The final constraint can be reformulated as 1'w >= 1
and -1'w >= -1
. Therefore your A matrix of constraints (Amat
in the arguments to solve.QP
) is the identity matrix with a 1 vector and a -1 vector appended on the right, and the right-hand side b0 (bvec
in the arguments to solve.QP
) is the 0 vector with a 1 and -1 appended.You can put it all together in R pretty easily:
solve.my.QP <- function(A, p, C) {
Amat=cbind(diag(1, length(A)), rep(1, length(A)), rep(-1, length(A))),
bvec=c(rep(0, length(A)), 1, -1))$solution
You can test it on some simple 2-dimensional problems:
# Even penalty
solve.my.QP(c(0, 0), 1, diag(1, 2))
# [1] 0.5 0.5
# Encourage inclusion of first variable
solve.my.QP(c(0.1, 0), 1, diag(1, 2))
# [1] 0.525 0.475