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Calculating the Recurrence Relation T(n)=T(n / log n) + Θ(1)

The question comes from Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition, P63, Problem 3-6, where it's introduced as Iterated functions. I rewrite it as follows:

int T(int n){
   for(int count = 0; n > 2 ; ++count)
      n = n/log₂(n); 
   return count;

Then give as tight a bound as possible on T(n).

I can make it O(log n) and Ω(log n / log log n), but can it be tighter?

PS: Using Mathematica, I've learned that when n=1*10^3281039, T(n)=500000

and the same time, T(n)=1.072435*log n/ log log n

and the coefficient declines with n from 1.22943 (n = 2.07126*10^235) to 1.072435 (n = 1*10^3281039).

May this information be helpful.


  • It looks like the lower bound is pretty good, so I tried to proof that the upper bound is O(log n / log log n). But let me first explain the other bounds (just for a better understanding).


    T(n) is in Θ(log n / log log n).

    T(n) is in O(log n)

    This can be seen by modifying n := n/log₂n to n := n/2.
    It needs O(log₂ n) steps until n ≤ 2 holds.

    T(n) is in Ω(log n / log log n)

    This can be seen by modifying n := n/log₂(n) to n := n/m, where m is the initial value of log n.
    Solving the equation n / (log n)x < 2 for x leads us to

                   log n - x log log n < log 2
        ⇔                log n - log 2 < x log log n
        ⇔  (log n - log 2) / log log n < x
        ⇒ x ∈ Ω(log n / log log n)

    Improving the upper bound: O(log n) → O(log n / log log n)

    Now let us try to improve the upper bound. Instead of dividing n by a fixed constant (namely 2 in the above proof) we divide n as long by the initial value of log(n)/2 as the current value of log(n) is bigger. To be more clearer have a look at the modified code:

    int T₂(int n){
         n_old = n;
         for(int count=0; n>2 ;++count)
             n = n / (log₂(n_old)/2);
             if(log₂(n)) <= log₂(n_old)/2)
                n_old = n;
         return count;

    The complexity of the function T₂ is clearly an upper bound for the function T, since log₂(n_old)/2 < log₂(n) holds for the whole time.

    Now we need to know how many times we divide by each 1/2⋅log(n_old):

        n / (log(sqrt(n)))x ≤ sqrt(n)
    ⇔           n / sqrt(n) ≤ log(sqrt(n))x
    ⇔          log(sqrt(n)) ≤ x log(log(sqrt(n)))
    ⇔    log(sqrt(n)) / log(log(sqrt(n)))  ≤ x 

    So we get the recurrence formula T₂(n) = T(sqrt(n)) + O(log(sqrt(n)) / log(log(sqrt(n)))).

    Now we need to know how often this formula has to be expanded until n < 2 holds.

            n2-x < 2
    ⇔       2-x⋅log n < log 2
    ⇔       -x log 2 + log log n < log 2
    ⇔       log log n < log 2 + x log 2
    ⇔       log log n < (x + 1) log 2

    So we need to expand the formula about log log n times.

    Now it gets a little bit harder. (Have also a look at the Mike_Dog's answer)

    T₂(n) = T(sqrt(n)) + log(sqrt(n)) / log(log(sqrt(n)))
          = Σk=1,...,log log n - 1 2-k⋅log(n) / log(2-k⋅log n))
          = log(n) ⋅ Σk=1,...,log log n - 1 2-k / (-k + log log n))
    (1)   = log(n) ⋅ Σk=1,...,log log n - 1 2k - log log n / k
          = log(n) ⋅ Σk=1,...,log log n - 1 2k ⋅ 2- log log n / k
          = log(n) ⋅ Σk=1,...,log log n - 1 2k / (k ⋅ log n)
          = Σk=1,...,log log n - 1 2k / k

    In the line marked with (1) I reordered the sum.

    So, at the end we "only" have to calculate Σk=1,...,t 2k / k for t = log log n - 1. At this point Maple solves this to

    Σk=1,...,t 2k / k = -I⋅π - 2t⋅LerchPhi(2, 1, t)  +2t/t

    where I is the imaginary unit and LerchPhi is the Lerch transcendent. Since the result for the sum above is a real number for all relevant cases, we can just ignore all imaginary parts. The Lerch transcendent LerchPhi(2,1,t) seems to be in O(-1/t), but I'm not 100% sure about it. Maybe someone will prove this.

    Finally this results in

    T₂(n) = -2t⋅O(-1/t) + 2t/t = O(2t/t) = O(log n / log log n)

    All together we have T(n) ∈ Ω(log n / log log n) and T(n) ∈ O(log n/ log log n),
    so T(n) ∈ Θ(log n/ log log n) holds. This result is also supported by your example data.

    I hope this is understandable and it helps a little.