I'm following the programming test, and there are questions like this
From this consecutive digits:
For example The 10th digit is 1 The 11th digit is 0 and so on
What is the 1,000,000th digit?
What is the 1,000,000,000th digit?
What is the 1,000,000,000,000th digit?
Your solution should run below 1 second.
I've been made an answer but still more than 1 second. I try to use polynominal.
So, how I can reduce the time to find n-th place from digits above?
This is my answer, (PHP):
function digit_pol ($n) {
$counter = 1;
$digit_arr = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($i); $j++) {
// If array more than 100, always shift (limit array length to 11)
if($i > 10) {
// Fill array
$digit_arr[$counter] = substr($i, $j, 1);
// Found
if($counter == $n) {
return $digit_arr[$counter];
$find_place = 1000000;
$result = digit_pol($find_place);
echo "Digit of " . $find_place . "th is <b>" . $result . "</b>";
What's important to realize is that it's easy to take big steps:
1 digit numbers: 123456789 - 9 * 1 digit
2 digit numbers: 101112...9899 - 90 * 2 digits
3 digit numbers: 100101102...998999 - 900 * 3 digits
4 digit numbers: ...
Now you can do a recursive solution that skips over 9×10k×k digits at a time, until you reach the base case where n
is in the range of digits in the current magnitude.
When you know which particular range to look in, it's fairly easy to find the n
th digit. First divide n
by the length of each number. That turns the digit offset into the number offset. Now add 10k to that to get the actual number to look in. At that point it's a matter of finding a specific digit in a given number.
Take for example n = 1234
n > 9
, so it's not in the single digit range:
n -= 9
) and continue on 2 digit numbers...n > 90 * 2
so it's not in the two digit range either
n -= 90*2
) and continue on 3 digit numbers...n < 900 * 3
so we're looking for a digit in the 100101102...
sequence100 + n / 3
. In this case this equals 448
.n % 3
(which equals 1
in this case) to find which digit to pick. The end result is thus 4
.Here's a solution in Java:
public static char nthDigit(int n, int digitsInFirstNum) {
int magnitude = (int) Math.pow(10, digitsInFirstNum - 1);
int digitsInMagnitude = 9 * magnitude * digitsInFirstNum;
if (n < digitsInMagnitude) {
int number = magnitude + n / digitsInFirstNum;
int digitPos = n % digitsInFirstNum;
return String.valueOf(number).charAt(digitPos);
return nthDigit(n - digitsInMagnitude, digitsInFirstNum + 1);
public static char nthDigit(int n) {
return nthDigit(n, 1);