I'm completely new to Drupal development I want to learn how to create basic module with such functionality:
Create module with custom database tables Create one or several new pages as logical section of the site Manage data from database tables on those newly created pages
For example, I want to create subscription service with clients database and manage their data (edit clients, export, change their status, etc...)
I want to do this on new pages on my site (not in admin section)
site.com/clients - list of client
site.com/client - client detailed info
Please, provide some thoughts or tutorials (but not a ready module :) )
You can follow this tutorial for the basics in creating a D7 module. https://www.drupal.org/node/1074360
As far as custom database tables I suggest taking a look at this module. https://www.drupal.org/project/eck
Also take a look at this video for more info about 'ECK'. http://codekarate.com/daily-dose-of-drupal/drupal-7-entity-construction-kit