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How do I print the current classpath for a Jenkins plugin?

I'm developing a Jenkins plugin but I'm having a few problems which I think might be due to a jar missing in the plugin's classpath even though its in the plugin's WEB-INF/lib directory.

Normally I would use the following code in Java to print the classpath but this doesn't seem to work with Jenkins.

ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader();
URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader)cl).getURLs();
for(URL url: urls){

When I execute the plugin the above code causes a ClassCastException exception to be thrown with the message hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy$AntClassLoader2 cannot be cast to

What is the best way to print the classpath being used by a Jenkins plugin?


  • Having read through the Javadoc for AntClassLoader it seems the solution was a lot easier than I was expecting and so I've written the following code which can be used print the classpath for a Jenkins plugin.

    AntClassLoader cl = (AntClassLoader) getClass().getClassLoader();
    String[] classpath = cl.getClasspath().split(":");
    for (String classpathElement : classpath) {