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Yii2 - mailer - send message to email rows in database


i need to send email to several recipients that are stored in a table named mail which has a field called email.

In my controller i created an action that Query the table mail for the emails.

Later i tried to use the implode() function separated by comma, but obviously it didn't work because of mailer policies. It generated the wrong format -> "[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]".

Tried also a for each loop and the serialize() function without success.

The json_encode() function is close to what i need, separate an array of emails to something like -> "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]". But it appends the field name before the value and it is not accepted by mailer policies.

So far i'm stuck with the following code:

public function actionSucesso()
    $query = new Query;
    $command = $query->createCommand();
    $enderecos = $command->queryAll();

    $enviar = json_encode($enderecos);

        ->setFrom('[email protected]')
        ->setSubject('Oferta de jogo no site da ATF.')
        ->setTextBody('Aceda em:')
    return $this->render('sucesso');

I think in order for the mailer to work and send the message the correct format needs to be: ->setTo("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]")

Is there a way of solving this problem? Many thanks in advance.


  • To get array of email with numeric indexes call queryAll() method with $fetchMode parameter \PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, and then just pass returned array to mailer's setTo() method. Like this

    $enderecos = $command->queryAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
    //$enviar = json_encode($enderecos); <- this line no needed
        ->setFrom('[email protected]')
        ->setTo($enderecos) //you pass an array of email addresses
        ->setSubject('Oferta de jogo no site da ATF.')
        ->setTextBody('Aceda em:')

    See queryAll() documentation and list of pdo constant including available fetch modes starting with PDO::FETCH_. Also assuming you are using yii2 default mailer, look for swiftmailer documentation about how to set recipients