I´m trying to implement dynamic search on a treeview component, and I´m almost done with it, except that since it´s a dynamic search based on the textchanged event of a textbox, the first characters of the search string are always found, so the search function expand all nodes because they are a valid match.
The thing is that as the search string becomes more complete, those nodes that were expanded when they had a match, now needs to be collapsed because they no longer match the search string... and this is not happening... I could not find yet a way to collapse and expand the nodes dinamically as the search string changes...
I have uploaded a video and the Visual Studio 2012 solution so you can take a look at it and see where I´m dropping the ball...
This is the code of my function that does the search: (You can see in the video it works as expected, so my problem is the expanding/collapsing of the nodes as they match(or not) the search string.
I´ve implemented some ideas in the "FindRecursive" function to collapse and expand the nodes, but it´s not working as expected. I managed to even put the control in an infinite loop due to my wrong logic.
Visual Studio 2012 Project + Test File
Private Sub txtFiltroIDs_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtFilterToolIDs.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub FindByText()
Dim nodes As TreeNodeCollection = tviewToolIDs.Nodes
Dim n As TreeNode
For Each n In nodes
End Sub
Private Sub FindRecursive(ByVal tNode As TreeNode)
If txtFilterToolIDs.Text = "" Then
tviewToolIDs.BackColor = Color.White
ExpandToLevel(tviewToolIDs.Nodes, 1)
Dim tn As TreeNode
For Each tn In tNode.Nodes
' if the text properties match, color the item
If tn.Text.Contains(txtFilterToolIDs.Text) Then
tn.BackColor = Color.Yellow
tn.EnsureVisible() 'Scroll the control to the item
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClearBackColor()
Dim nodes As TreeNodeCollection
nodes = tviewToolIDs.Nodes
Dim n As TreeNode
For Each n In nodes
End Sub
Private Sub ClearRecursive(ByVal treeNode As TreeNode)
Dim tn As TreeNode
For Each tn In treeNode.Nodes
tn.BackColor = Color.White
End Sub
Following my initial comments, try something like:
Private Sub txtFiltroIDs_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtFilterToolIDs.TextChanged
End Sub