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Changing order of two divs with CKEditors

I have two CKEditors, created by Liferay script, one by one in my view. Both are in seperated divs. I would like to change its order.

I try to use something like this:

var firstDivWithCKEditor = document.getElementById("firstDivWithCKEditor");
var secondDivWithCKEditor = document.getElementById("secondDivWithCKEditor "); 
var parentDiv = secondDivWithCKEditor.parentNode();
parent.insertBefore(secondDivWithCKEditor , firstDivWithCKEditor);

The order is changed, but after this operation I can't do enything with on one editor and the html inside editor disapears. After clickling any button in editor I get error on a console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSelection' of undefined.

Anyone has any idea what is wrong?


  • There's no way to do this with classic (iframe–based) editor instances. You can easily re–initialise your instances though (JSFiddle):

    var e1, e2,
        el1 = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'editor1' ),
        el2 = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'editor2' );
    function initEditors( reverse ) {    
        if ( e1 || e2 ) {
        ( reverse ? el2 : el1 ).insertBefore( ( reverse ? el1 : el2 ) );
        e1 = CKEDITOR.replace( el1 );
        e2 = CKEDITOR.replace( el2 );