I have two CKEditors, created by Liferay script, one by one in my view. Both are in seperated divs. I would like to change its order.
I try to use something like this:
var firstDivWithCKEditor = document.getElementById("firstDivWithCKEditor");
var secondDivWithCKEditor = document.getElementById("secondDivWithCKEditor ");
var parentDiv = secondDivWithCKEditor.parentNode();
parent.insertBefore(secondDivWithCKEditor , firstDivWithCKEditor);
The order is changed, but after this operation I can't do enything with on one editor and the html inside editor disapears. After clickling any button in editor I get error on a console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSelection' of undefined.
Anyone has any idea what is wrong?
There's no way to do this with classic (iframe
–based) editor instances. You can easily re–initialise your instances though (JSFiddle):
var e1, e2,
el1 = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'editor1' ),
el2 = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'editor2' );
function initEditors( reverse ) {
if ( e1 || e2 ) {
( reverse ? el2 : el1 ).insertBefore( ( reverse ? el1 : el2 ) );
e1 = CKEDITOR.replace( el1 );
e2 = CKEDITOR.replace( el2 );