In order to optimize my code, I'm trying to do the batch updates. Instead of calling setValues() on the loop, I want to store the data in an array, then do an setValues() once after the loop. However, I can't make it work:
var tempValuesArr= [];
var ctr = 0;
for ....{
//there is only one row needed for every second sheet, get the data at the 2nd
//row with 6 columns
var secondSheetRange = secondSheet.getRange(2, 1, 1, 6);
//finally, copy these tempValues at another sheet, starting at second row
var anotherSheetRange = anotherSheet.getRange(2, 1, ctr, 6);
anotherSheetRange .setValues(tempValuesArr);
Here's the error I'm getting:
Incorrect range width, was 1 but should be 6
I think the issue is that you are pushing a 2d array ( [[CellA2, CellB2], [CellA3, CellB3]]
) into a 1d array ( []
), leaving you with a 3d array ( [[[CellA2, CellB2], [CellA3, CellB3]]]
To use setvalues you need a 2d ( [[CellA2, CellB2], [CellA3, CellB3]]
- 2 rows OR [[CellA2, CellB2]]
- 1 row ) array of values.
Try this, it will only push the first 1d array ( [CellA2, CellB2, CellC2]
) from the range into the empty array you created at the start. More information Here.