As the title says I'm using c3.js to plot charts in a Meteor app. All the examples, however, statically set the variables for the data source.
I can't find the correct way to use c3
with Mongo. Say I have a simple template like below
<template name="model1">
<div class="chart"></div>
and then the chart code as follows
Template.model1.rendered = function () {
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: this.find('.chart'),
data: {
json: [
{name: '', upload: 100
, download: 200, total: 400}
keys: {
value: ['upload', 'download']
axis: {
x: {
// type: 'category'
how can I populate that json
field with the result of querying Mongo, something like Models.find({"model" : "model1"},{"actual" : 1, "_id": 0})
Running the equivalent from the Mongo shell db.models.find({"model" : "model1"},{"actual" : 1, "_id": 0})
returns {"actual" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
I just can't figure out how to approach this
You can define Meteor.methods
to retrieve data and populate it into d3.
data: function(){
check(arguments, [Match.Any]);
return Models.find({"model" : "model1"},{"actual" : 1, "_id": 0}).fetch();
Template.model1.onRendered(function () {
var self = this;'data', function (error, result) {
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: self.find('.chart'),
data: {
json: result,
keys: {
value: ['upload', 'download']
axis: {
x: {
// type: 'category'