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How can I use HTML tags in a Laravel localization file?

I'm trying to utilize Laravel's localization feature, but I need to be able to put emphasis or bolden a portion of a phrase. Inserting a HTML tag into the language file causes it to be escaped when outputted to a blade.

For example, here is my language file entry:

return [
    'nav' => [
        'find' => '<strong>Find</strong> Your Home',

When I call it from within a blade: (I've tried using triple braces as well.)

{{ trans('base.nav.find') }}

It outputs:

&lt;strong&gt;Find&lt;/strong&gt; Your Home

I could potentially split the phrasing up like:

return [
    'nav' => [
        'fyh' => [
            'find' => 'Find',
            'yh'   => 'Your Home',

And then output:

<strong>{{ trans('base.nav.fyh.find') }}</strong>{{ trans('base.nav.fyh.yh') }}

But that seems like overkill. Any better solutions?


  • Use {!! !!} instead of {{ }} to prevent escaping:

    {!! trans('nav.find') !!}