I'm trying to add a new method to the Thor gem. Specifically, I want to add a method to Thor::Shell::Basic. In my gem based on thor, in bin/mycommand, I have this:
require 'thor'
require 'ext/thor/extension'
Thor.include ThorExtensions::Thor::Shell::Basic
In lib/ext/thor/extension.rb, I have:
module ThorExtensions
module Thor
module Shell
module Basic
def extension_method
When I call extension_method, I get an error that says it can't read an attribute of Thor::Shell::Basic (padding, specifically). When I go into Thor::Shell::Basic, in pry, I see my method listed as a method of that class, but it doesn't seem to be able to access it at runtime. Am I doing something wrong?
You can reopen classes in ruby:
class Thor::Shell::Basic
def extension_method
Or you can inlcude your extension(s) as a module (I prefer this one):
module MyExtension
def extension_method
Thor::Shell::Basic.send :include, MyExtension