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dyShading R dygraph

I am using the dygraphs package and I would like to add multiple shaded regions using the dyShading function. I would like not to have to specify manually the shaded region as it is done in the help of the function:

dygraph(nhtemp, main = "New Haven Temperatures") %>% 
  dyShading(from = "1920-1-1", to = "1930-1-1") %>%
  dyShading(from = "1940-1-1", to = "1950-1-1")

But instead, make a loop on the regions. It would look like something like that (that does not work!):

data %>% dygraph()  %>%
for( period in ok_periods ) dyShading(from = period$from , to = period$to )

Do you have any ideas? Thanks you very much


  • For example:

    #create dygraph
    dg <- dygraph(nhtemp, main = "New Haven Temperatures")
    #add shades
    for( period in ok_periods ) {
      dg <- dyShading(dg, from = period$from , to = period$to )
    #show graph

    If you have periods in a list:

    ok_periods <- list(
      list(from = "1920-1-1", to = "1930-1-1"),
      list(from = "1940-1-1", to = "1950-1-1"),
      list(from = "1960-1-1", to = "1970-1-1")

    Using pipe

    If you want to use pipe, you could define a new function

    add_shades <- function(x, periods, ...) {
      for( period in periods ) {
        x <- dyShading(x, from = period$from , to = period$to, ... )

    and use it in a chain:

    dygraph(nhtemp, main = "New Haven Temperatures") %>% 
      add_shades(ok_periods, color = "#FFFFCC" )