Search code examples

Binary search bounds

I always have the hardest time with this and I have yet to see a definitive explanation for something that is supposedly so common and highly-used.

We already know the standard binary search. Given starting lower and upper bounds, find the middle point at (lower + higher)/2, and then compare it against your array, and then re-set the bounds accordingly, etc.

However what are the needed differences to adjust the search to find (for a list in ascending order):

  1. Smallest value >= target
  2. Smallest value > target
  3. Largest value <= target
  4. Largest value < target

It seems like each of these cases requires very small tweaks to the algorithm but I can never get them to work right. I try changing inequalities, return conditions, I change how the bounds are updated, but nothing seems consistent.

What are the definitive ways to handle these four cases?


  • Binary search(at least the way I implement it) relies on a simple property - a predicate holds true for one end of the interval and does not hold true for the other end. I always consider my interval to be closed at one end and opened at the other. So let's take a look at this code snippet:

    int beg = 0; // pred(beg) should hold true
    int end = n;// length of an array or a value that is guranteed to be out of the interval that we are interested in
    while (end - beg >  1) {
      int mid = (end + beg) / 2;
      if (pred(a[mid])) {
        beg = mid;
      } else { 
        end = mid;
    // answer is at a[beg]

    This will work for any of the comparisons you define. Simply replace pred with <=target or >=target or <target or >target.

    After the cycle exits, a[beg] will be the last element for which the given inequality holds.

    So let's assume(like suggested in the comments) that we want to find the largest number for which a[i] <= target. Then if we use predicate a[i] <= target the code will look like:

    int beg = 0; // pred(beg) should hold true
    int end = n;// length of an array or a value that is guranteed to be out of the interval that we are interested in
    while (end - beg >  1) {
      int mid = (end + beg) / 2;
      if (a[mid] <= target) {
        beg = mid;
      } else { 
        end = mid;

    And after the cycle exits, the index that you are searching for will be beg.

    Also depending on the comparison you may have to start from the right end of the array. E.g. if you are searching for the largest value >= target, you will do something of the sort of:

    beg = -1;
    end = n - 1;
    while (end - beg >  1) {
      int mid = (end + beg) / 2;
      if (a[mid] >= target) {
        end = mid;
      } else { 
        beg = mid;

    And the value that you are searching for will be with index end. Note that in this case I consider the interval (beg, end] and thus I've slightly modified the starting interval.