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Lots of H17 Heroku Errors

I am working on a ruby project using sinatra, heroku, activerecord, and postgresql. I am consistantly getting this error:

2015-06-10T19:30:52.015492+00:00 heroku[router]: http_error="Invalid HTTP status line" at=error code=H17 desc="Poorly formatted HTTP response" method=POST path="/login" request_id=e5c29131-1c22-47d7-84a4-b1b51e4a3905 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=135ms status=503 bytes=862

I cannot find out how to fix it. If anyone needs any more information to fix it, I would be happy to provide it.


  • I solved my problem by just making some other irrelevant edits and pushing to heroku again which caused a dyno restart which is what I believe solved the problem. Now it works just fine. If anyone can come up with an explanation for this that would be much appreciated.

    And if it could be added as an answer it would be accepted! I find this very weird.