Hello everyone I'm getting close to programming Swift then feel right away that I'm new to Swift
In my project in Obj-C I created many classes UIView
that I used in my app
I have a problem with the implementation of these classes UIView
from Obj-C for Swift ...
In short, until now I have always used this...
My class UIView
had various init with frame etc ... but a directly instancetype that elaborated all
-(instancetype)initializeNotificationViewWithTitle:(NSString *)notificationTitle
notificationMessage:(NSString *)notificationMessage
now I can not fit it in Swift many of you surely know that Swift is the most simple of Obj-C but I still can not adapt
You can make me understand how to implement this function I posted this in Obj-C Swift ?
The method you provided looks like a simple init method and init method in swift looks like
init(title: String, message: String, type: UTNotificationType, mode: UTNotificationMode) {
and use it as
let aView = NotificationView(title:"title", message:"message", type: someType, mode: someMode)