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updating Menu MainFrame tk

I am looking how I can update the menu of my application. I used MainFrame to create it but I can't update the whole menu.

set descmenu1 {}

set FileMenuItems1 {}
lappend FileMenuItems1   [list command "f1"  {} "f1" {Ctrl q} -command [list if {[tk_messageBox -message [format "%s ?" "Quit"] -type yesno] eq "yes"} {exit}]]
lappend descmenu1 "&file" all file 0 $FileMenuItems1

set EditMenu {}
lappend EditMenu1   [list command "e1"  {} "e1" {Ctrl q} -command [list if {[tk_messageBox -message [format "%s ?" "Quit"] -type yesno] eq "yes"} {exit}]]
lappend descmenu1 "&Edition" all file 0 $EditMenu1

set descmenu2 {}
set FileMenuItems2 {}
lappend FileMenuItems2   [list command "f2"  {} "f2" {Ctrl q} -command [list if {[tk_messageBox -message [format "%s ?" "Quit"] -type yesno] eq "yes"} {exit}]]
lappend descmenu2 "&file2" all file 0 $FileMenuItems2

set EditMenu2 {}
lappend EditMenu2   [list command "e2"  {} "e2" {Ctrl q} -command [list if {[tk_messageBox -message [format "%s ?" "Quit"] -type yesno] eq "yes"} {exit}]]
lappend descmenu2 "&Edition2" all file 0 $EditMenu2

set mainframe [MainFrame .hull -menu $descmenu1]
.hull configure -menu $descmenu2

How I can update my menu using MainFrame? Actually, the menu displayed is descmenu1.


  • You have not specified this but it looks like you are using BWidget. The -menu option on the BWidget MainFrame takes a list that describes a menu hierarchy rather than a menu widget. However, the -configure option does not redefine the menu.

    It seems you can force it to redefine the menu by destroying the existing one and using the internal _create_menubar procedure to parse a new menu list. However, maybe you should consider doing this some other way if you have to start using internal methods. A normal Tk toplevel exposes the menu widget tree for you to manipulate as desired. Possibly a BWidget MainFrame is not really helping you here.


    package require BWidget
    set main [MainFrame .main -menu {
        "&File" {} {} 0 {
            {command "&New" {} "Create new" {}}
            {command "E&xit" {} "Exit app" {}}
    destroy .menubar
    $main _create_menubar {
        "&Different" {} {} 0 {
            {command "Alternate" {} "Something new" {}}