Is there any way to add Copyright info to the image file created by PHP
To be clearer, you can add copyright
info to a file with photoshop, so when you get its properties
, you see something similar to:
I want to Add/Edit Details info of a file in php. Is is possible?
I get an image from user input, then resize it with this function:
function image_resize($src, $w, $h, $dst, $width, $height, $extension )
case 'bmp': $img = imagecreatefromwbmp($src); break;
case 'gif': $img = imagecreatefromgif($src); break;
case 'jpg': $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); break;
case 'png': $img = imagecreatefrompng($src); break;
default : return "Unsupported picture type!";
$new = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// preserve transparency
if($extension == "gif" or $extension == "png"){
imagecolortransparent($new, imagecolorallocatealpha($new, 0, 0, 0, 127));
imagealphablending($new, true);
imagesavealpha($new, false);
imagecopyresampled($new, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $w, $h);
imageinterlace($new,1);//for progressive jpeg image
case 'bmp': imagewbmp($new, $dst); break;
case 'gif': imagegif($new, $dst); break;
case 'jpg': imagejpeg($new, $dst); break;
case 'png': imagepng($new, $dst); break;
return true;
I don't believe that PHP natively contains a function to edit the EXIF data in a JPEG file, however there is a PEAR extension that can read and write EXIF data.
pear channel-discover
pear install pearhub/PEL
Website for the module is at and an example for setting the description is at
It seems the site is down / gone forever, but you can download the files from GitHub (no installation / setup required, just include the autoload.php
Below is an example to set the copyright field in a JPEG file. Files downloaded from GitHub are placed in a subdirectory called pel
though you can place them where-ever you like (just update the require_once
// Make the PEL functions available
require_once 'pel/autoload.php'; // Update path if your checked out copy of PEL is elsewhere
use lsolesen\pel\PelJpeg;
use lsolesen\pel\PelTag;
use lsolesen\pel\PelEntryCopyright;
* Values for you to set
// Path and name of file you want to edit
$input_file = "/tmp/image.jpg";
// Name of file to write output to
$output_file = "/tmp/altered.jpg";
// Copyright info to add
$copyright = "Eborbob 2015";
* Do the work
// Load the image into PEL
$pel = new PelJpeg($input_file);
// Get the EXIF data (See the PEL docs to understand this)
$ifd = $pel->getExif()->getTiff()->getIfd();
// Get the copyright field
$entry = $ifd->getEntry(PelTag::COPYRIGHT);
if ($entry == null)
// No copyright field - make a new one
$entry = new PelEntryCopyright($copyright);
// Overwrite existing field
// Save the updated file