I've a question about ANT property.
I want to do this :
<var name="index" value="1"/>
<for param="XXX">
<loadproperties prefix="${index}">
<zipentry zipfile="@{XXXX}" name="YYYY"/>
<contains value="ZZZZZ"/>
<echo message="${${index}.ZZZZZ}"/>
<math result="index" operand1="${index}" operation="+" operand2="1" datatype="int" />
The problem is to reuse the "index" variable to display the desired property . Is it possible to do that in ANT ? Thank you :)
I found the solution ...
//use this
<appendProperty prop="implversion" data="${index}.ZZZZZ" />
//don't forget to set that
<macrodef name="appendProperty">
<attribute name="prop" default="" />
<attribute name="data" default="" />
<var name="@{prop}" value="${@{data}}" />