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Caret character between types rather than variables, surrounded by parentheses

I was going through Apple's documentation and I saw something like this (void (^)(void)). Can somebody explain what this statement means? ^ is XOR, right? void XOR void doesn't makes much sense to me?

There was also something like (void (^)(BOOL finished))


  • These are blocks which add anonymous functions and function objects to Objective-C. See e.g. Introducing Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch :

    Block objects (informally, “blocks”) are an extension to C, as well as Objective-C and C++, that make it easy for programmers to define self-contained units of work. Blocks are similar to — but far more powerful than — traditional function pointers. The key differences are:

    • Blocks can be defined inline, as “anonymous functions.”
    • Blocks capture read-only copies of local variables, similar to “closures” in other languages

    Declaring a block variable:

    void (^my_block)(void);

    Assigning a block object to it:

    my_block = ^(void){ printf("hello world\n"); };

    Invoking it:

    my_block(); // prints “hello world\n”

    Accepting a block as an argument:

    - (void)doSomething:(void (^)(void))block;

    Using that method with an inline block:

    [obj doSomeThing:^(void){ printf("block was called"); }];