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Retain cycle in Swift when Object A has Object B as a property and Object B has an array property that contains Object A?

Confused about a situation that might be a retain cycle?

I understand that if

class Object-A {
  var b: Object-B }


class Object-B {
    var a: Object-A

then above is horrible design because if you do

var a = Object-A()
var b = Object-B()
a.b = b
b.a = a

then this causes a retain cycle with two strong references pointing at each other.

But what if the situation is below?

class Object-A {
    var b: Object-B 

class Object-B {
    var randomArrayProperty: [Object-B]

and you try to do

var a = Object-A()
var b = Object-B()
a.b = a

Is that a retain cycle as well?


  • Generally speaking, with manual reference counting and automatic reference counting, reference ilands will leak. Reference cycle can be composed by more than just 2 objects.

    That said I encourage you to test some code in a playground since the example in your question has some syntax and language errors.

    The code below might be a starting point:

    class ObjectA {
        let name: String
        var b: ObjectB
        init(name: String, b: ObjectB) {
   = name
            self.b = b
        deinit {
            print("\(name) deallocated")
    class ObjectB {
        let name: String
        var randomArrayProperty = [ObjectA]()
        init(name: String) {
   = name
        deinit {
            print("\(name) deallocated")
    // Create a _possible_ leak. It depends on what we'll do next
    var b: ObjectB? = ObjectB(name: "Foo B")
    var a: ObjectA? = ObjectA(name: "Bar A", b: b!)
    // No leaks
    a = nil
    // Remove a from array inside b, a will dealloc
    b = nil
    // Recreate a _possible_ leak.
    b = ObjectB(name: "Foo1 B")
    a = ObjectA(name: "Bar1 A", b: b!)
    // Leaks
    a = nil
    b = nil

    Then continue playing with variants ;-)

    Hope this helps