We have a shared WAS 8.5 server and we want to give only deployment access to other teams. we do not want them to change any other server configurations/options. Can we do this using WAS 8.5 Admin console?
Basically we want to create a role based access and when users log in to admin console with that role they should have access to only deployment option.
This is exactly deployer role, the other answer is incorrect. Deployer cannot change any server configuration options (except managing application), and cannot start/stop servers.
Deployer role
A user that is granted a deployer role can complete all of the configuration and runtime operations on an application. A deployer role can be subsets of both configurator and operator roles. However, a user granted a deployer role cannot configure or operate any other resources, such as a server, node.
In addition, if you have many servers, you can scope that role via Security > Administrative authorization groups
to the selected server/cluster. In that case that user will be able to only deploy apps to that server/cluster.
For detailed description see - Administrative roles - Deployer role