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What is the best nomenclature for a task that "only happens once" or a task that "repeats"?

I need to classify two different types of tasks as those that repeat, and those that do not repeat (i.e. the task self-destructs after it has successfully run, and never runs again).

Right now, the former I am just going to call "repeat"; I was going to call the latter "ad hoc," but then I realized that an ad hoc task may also be repeatable.

Theoretically, what is the best way to describe the opposite of a repeatable task?


  • Repeat is definitely going to work, although I would probably use iterate or maybe recurrent; if it could be confused with a loop.

    Ad hoc is not a good choice in my opinion. I would go for onetime or simply put a non- in front of the other word (non-iterating, non-recurrent).