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Why does postgresql fail on single quote

I am trying to programmatically create the postgresql (9.2) "pg_hba.conf" file during our install.

I have tried to create the file using the following:
(yes, the Windows 8.1 User Name has a space and an apostrophe)

private static string[] CreatePgHbaContents()
    string[] configLines =
            "# TYPE  DATABASE      USER      ADDRESS                   METHOD",
            string.Format("host    all           \"Mi k'e\"        sspi"),
            string.Format("host    all           \"Mi K'e\"        ::1/128             sspi"),
            string.Format("host    all           \"SYSTEM\"        sspi"),
            string.Format("host    all           \"SYSTEM\"        ::1/128             sspi"),

    return configLines;

However, I am getting an error when I try to create the database:

unterminated quoted string at or near "e')::name);"
Severity: ERROR
Code: 42601

Any suggestions as to how the user name can be formatted in the configuration file to allow a single quote would be greatly appreciated.


  • The unterminated quoted string at or near "e' is due to PostGres seeing the single quote, and terminating the statement.

    When entering text into a VARCHAR field, I usually replace the single quote with a backtick (` rather than '), which stops this from cropping up at all, but if the quote is in the user name, it's a significant character, so swapping it would break the authentication.

    The solution is to escape the single quote with another single quote.

    private static string[] CreatePgHbaContents()
        string[] configLines =
                "# TYPE  DATABASE      USER      ADDRESS                   METHOD",
                "host    all           \"Mi k''e\"        sspi",
                "host    all           \"Mi K''e\"        ::1/128             sspi",
                "host    all           \"SYSTEM\"        sspi",
                "host    all           \"SYSTEM\"        ::1/128             sspi",
        return configLines;

    I'm a little puzzled by why you have a String.Format in there. You are not actually formatting the string, so it's not necessary.

    If you did want to use String.format...

    String cleanString = cleanString.Replace("'", "''");