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SQL - Looping through ever row of table in MySQL?

So I have 2 tables, communication,and movement.

communication has columns fromID,timestamp that has ID of caller, and time the call was made. Then I have another table movement that has ID,timestamp,x,y, that has the ID of a person, their location (x,y), and the time that they are at that location.

I want to write a query that looks something like this:

For every single row of communication(R)
    SELECT * FROM movement m
    WHERE m.ID = R.fromID && m.timestamp <= R.timestamp
    ORDER BY timestamp 

Basically, what this is doing is finding the closest movement timestamp for a given communication timestamp. After that, eventually, I want to find the location (x,y) of a call, based on the movement data.

How would I do this? I know there's a set based approach, but I don't want to do it that way. I looked into cursors, but I get the feeling that the performance is terrible on that.

So is there anyway to do this with a loop? I essentially want to loop through every single row of the communication, and get the result.

I tried something like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE findClosestTimestamp() 
DECLARE commRowCount DEFAULT 0; 
DECLARE ctimestamp DEFAULT 0; 
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM communication INTO commRowCount; 

SET i = 0; 
WHILE i < commRowCount DO 
SELECT timestamp INTO ctimestamp FROM communication c 
SELECT * FROM movement m 
WHERE m.vID = c.fromID && m.timestamp <= R.timestamp

But I know that's completely wrong.

Is the only way to do this cursors? I just can't find an example of this anywhere on the internet, and I'm completely new to procedures in SQL.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!


  • Let's see if I can point you in the right direction using cursors:

    delimiter $$
    create procedure findClosestTimeStamp()
        -- Variables to hold values from the communications table
        declare cFromId int;
        declare cTimeStamp datetime;
        -- Variables related to cursor:
        --    1. 'done' will be used to check if all the rows in the cursor 
        --       have been read
        --    2. 'curComm' will be the cursor: it will fetch each row
        --    3. The 'continue' handler will update the 'done' variable
        declare done int default false;
        declare curComm cursor for
            select fromId, timestamp from communication; -- This is the query used by the cursor.
        declare continue handler for not found -- This handler will be executed if no row is found in the cursor (for example, if all rows have been read).
            set done = true;
        -- Open the cursor: This will put the cursor on the first row of its
        -- rowset.
        open curComm;
        -- Begin the loop (that 'loop_comm' is a label for the loop)
        loop_comm: loop
            -- When you fetch a row from the cursor, the data from the current
            -- row is read into the variables, and the cursor advances to the
            -- next row. If there's no next row, the 'continue handler for not found'
            -- will set the 'done' variable to 'TRUE'
            fetch curComm into cFromId, cTimeStamp;
            -- Exit the loop if you're done
            if done then
                leave loop_comm;
            end if;
            -- Execute your desired query.
            -- As an example, I'm putting a SELECT statement, but it may be
            -- anything.
            select *
            from movement as m
            where m.vID = cFromId and m.timeStamp <= cTimeStamp
            order by timestampdiff(SECOND, cTimeStamp, m.timeStamp)
            limit 1;
        end loop;
        -- Don't forget to close the cursor when you finish
        close curComm;
    end $$
    delimiter ;
