I have this:
<h4 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel"> hello </h4>
and I want to extract the hello word using its id
and assign this to a php var but I don't have an idea. If it were an input it would be easier, but I have to use a different element.
you can use
This returns hello
See the fiddle
According to the docs
The Element.innerHTML property sets or gets the HTML syntax describing the element's descendants.
To assign this to a php variable, please try
<?php $text="<script>document.writeln(document.getElementById('exampleModalLabel').innerHTML);</script>";
UPDATE after seeing If it were an input would be easier but I have yo use a different element
in your question
Use document.getElementById('exampleModalLabel').innerHTML
to set the value of a hidden input field and then you can use it as you said in the question.