There are some describe_*
functions in boto.emr
need step_id. But the document does not describe very clearly how to obtain the step_id after submitting steps.
How can I get these step_ids after run_jobflow
or add_steps
The job-id (cluster id) can be found on the boto.emr.emrobject.JobFlow
via the jobflowid
(Pdb) job().jobflowid returns: u'j-BZC0X65JLLEA'
for the step id for a given step, you can use the list_steps method on the connection, for example:
(Pdb) conn().list_steps('j-BZC0X65JLLEA').steps[-1].id returns: u's-1A1ASN2W23Y1L'
Calling steps will give you a list of boto.emr.emrobject.StepSummary
objects, you can iterate over those and pluck out what you need.