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multiple return values in callback blocks

people I am working with don't wanna use delegate methods for a couple of reasons and they want me to come up with a solution;

basically they want a callback block with multiple return values, and when the first return value arrived block should still wait for the upcoming return values

something like

[parserobject parsefile:file withCallback {
                if (started) {
                    //file parsing started 
                    //this should get executed first
                //if file parsing succesfully started also check if it 
                //succesfully finished or failed in the same callback
                if (finished) {
                    //file parsing finished 

                    //this represents if parsing failed any time from start to finish
                    //if so exit the callback


I have seen people using structs or nsintegers to return different values but usually only one result is returned....

is that above code block possible to written in objective-c?


  • This is your function

    typedef void(^VOIDCALLBACK)(void); //Just a type here
    typedef void(^BOLLCALLBACK)(bool succeed);//Just a type here
    -(void)parserobjectWithFile:(NSString *)file StartCallBack:(VOIDCALLBACK) startCallBack completionBlock:(BOLLCALLBACK) completion{
        // When start
     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
         startCallBack();//Make call back run in main queue
        //When finisehd set succeed to yes,otherwise set to no
        BOOL succeed = YES;//Pass in to indicator if succeed
      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        completion(succeed); //Make call back run in main queue

    Then you call it like this

       [self parserobjectWithFile:@""
                     //Here task is start
               completionBlock:^(bool succeed) {
                    //Here task is done.Check succeed to figure out if succeed

    A simple example

    This is the function part

    @implementation ViewController
     [self parserobjectWithFile:@"" StartCallBack:^{
     } completionBlock:^(bool succeed) {
    typedef void(^VOIDCALLBACK)(void); //Just a type here
    typedef void(^BOLLCALLBACK)(bool succeed);//Just a type here
    -(void)parserobjectWithFile:(NSString *)file StartCallBack:   (VOIDCALLBACK) startCallBack completionBlock:(BOLLCALLBACK) completion{
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            startCallBack();//Make call back run in main queue
        BOOL succeed = YES;//Pass in to indicator if succeed
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            completion(succeed); //Make call back run in main queue

    This will output

    2015-06-11 23:39:25.426 OCTest[767:144615] start
    2015-06-11 23:39:27.426 OCTest[767:144615] finished