for types such as list I can readily create an empty list to make this construct work:
s = []
s+= [1,2,3] # result s assigned [1,2,3]
obviously useful in constructs like this:
for v in (list1,list2,list3..):
if condition : s+=v
Now I'm working with a user defined type, defined in a module that I cannot read or change.. I have to do this:
for v in (typefoo1,typefoo2,..):
if condition :
if s==0 :
This works, but is ugly and occurs so often it is pretty annoying.
so.. is there a way to create an empty object such that the +=
operator would behave simply like a regular assignment=
regardless of the type on the r.h.s?
Edit: I tried to keep the question generic deliberately, but for completeness the type in question is an Abaqus geometry sequence.
is there a way to create an empty object such that the
operator would behave simply like a regular assignment=
regardless of the type on the r.h.s?
Sure. Just write a class and define your __add__
method to return the RHS unmodified.
class DummyItem:
def __add__(self, other):
return other
s = DummyItem()
s += 23
print s