So I'm just starting to learn C, and after setting up CodeBlocks with the SmallDevice C compiler I began working on some of the programs in the book I'm learning through. it keeps returning this error. Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int num1, num2, sum;
printf("Enter two integers: \n");
scanf("%d %d",&num1,&num2);
printf("Sum: %d",sum);
The error it's giving me is
Warning 112: Function 'scanf' implicit declaration
error 101: too many parameters
I went and found a text written up to do the exact same (which gave me the exact same code) and when I placed it in it still gives me this error. Is this a problem with my compiler?
Yes, it's a problem with your compiler or/and your installation. The code has no syntax errors.
gsamaras@pythagoras:~$ pico Justc25_main.c
gsamaras@pythagoras:~$ gcc Justc25_main.c
As Werner Henze stated: "It looks like Small Device C compiler is for small embedded devices and does not come with scanf function.".