How can I get my output in the table?
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import sqlite3
x = PrettyTable(["URL"])
x.padding_width = 1
con = sqlite3.connect('C:\\Users\\joey\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\History')
cursor = con.cursor()
d = cursor.execute("SELECT URL FROM 'urls' ;")
for data in d:
How can I add the output of my code in the table? This code is not working.
The code under this text is good. But how can I get my output in this and not the "test"
x = PrettyTable(["URL"])
x.padding_width = 1
The cursor returns tuples as you iterate over it. So instead of [data]
(which would be a list containing a tuple), pass data
itself to add_row
for data in cursor: